Think Local (Very Local) for Micro-Targeted SEO in 2015

Utah is a rather refined state. Compared to other states, there only a select few areas that have a major population. But there is a major population in Salt Lake City as well as its close neighbor, Provo. Utah SEO is making a lot of changes as 2015 continues on. One of the most major reinventions in SEO is the slant towards local content. This is not necessarily local as in an entire major city or state. This is local as in small suburbs and neighborhoods in a variety of cities within the state.

SEO is largely based on search phrases and keywords. The trend for 2015 seems to slant towards micro-targeted keywords that are very geo-local. Look at some of the below strategies to gain idea of how to implement local techniques.

Google Maps on a Website

Everyone knows Google Maps is a detailed platform for reviewing the locations of small businesses in the city. They should be integrated into a website as well as customize on the SEO end. This may include using keywords and other phrases in the actual description of the business.


Reviews Galore

When users are researching in the local market, one of the most common things they run into is reviews. Reviews add a little bit of authenticity and people trust someone that has written a review. It’s human nature to trust, especially when someone goes out of the way to write about it. Now even if the review is wrong, it will hold some merit. Local SEO techniques may focus on implementing reviews and adding them to Google Plus pages. It is a pretty thorough strategy that can be rather time-consuming, so consider hiring a local SEO in Utah company to handle the bulk of the work.


The trend towards local content will obviously create more competition. Right now competition is slim for these extreme target specific keywords and this creates a great opportunity for small developing firms. It is not uncommon to be one of only three sources chasing after a micro-targeted keyword.

The tide is now to start developing this extremely localized campaign. In the waning years, competitors will dive into these strategies and fill all the niche voids that are open right now.